
Attachatubeorbrushextensiontoyourvacuumandcleantheventsonthebackofthefantoremovedustanddebrisinside.Next,twistthetopofthefan ...,CleanbyrinsingtheringwellbysprayingajetofwaterTHROUGHTHEAIROUTLETSLIT,toavoidcloggingtheairoutletholes.Step2:RemoveOuterRetainer.,,TocleanyourDysonfan,wipewithadryordampcloth.NB:Donotusedetergentsorpolishestocleantheappliance.Ifyouareunabletoviewthevideoor ...,Toalwa...

How to Clean the Inside and Outside of Your Dyson Fan

Attach a tube or brush extension to your vacuum and clean the vents on the back of the fan to remove dust and debris inside. Next, twist the top of the fan ...

Dyson AM07 Bladeless Fan Disassembly for Cleaning and ...

Clean by rinsing the ring well by spraying a jet of water THROUGH THE AIR OUTLET SLIT, to avoid clogging the air outlet holes. Step 2: Remove Outer Retainer.

Dyson AM07 Support

To clean your Dyson fan, wipe with a dry or damp cloth. NB: Do not use detergents or polishes to clean the appliance. If you are unable to view the video or ...

User manual

To always get the best performance from your Dyson purifying fan, it's important to regularly clean it and check for blockages. Cleaning your machine. If ...